We Exist to Help, Equip, and to Empower People to live a Fulfilled Life, well pleasing unto God.
True Life Ministries is a Pentecostal church in Roehampton, South West London. We're an affiliate of the United Pentecostal Church Of Great Britain & Ireland.
Our message is centred around the Owner, the Head, and Builder of the Church, our Lord Jesus Christ. As such we preach a message of Holiness, Reconciliation, Redemption and Hope.
“Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household..”
— Acts 16:31
Get Involved
Prayer Meetings
We believe that prayer is where we find relationship and intimacy with the Father. Men must always pray and not faint. Join us for a time of petitioning the Fathers throne for things concerning His Kingdom.
Community is at the heart of what we do here at True Life. A community driven to learn the word of God working together to spread the Good News of the Gospel to a dying world.

Online Prayer Meeting
Sat - Thurs Night: 00:00-01:00
Fri Night: 00:00-02:00Meeting ID: 821 8661 9958 Passcode: 088869
Physical Meeting
Every Thursday: 19:00-20:30
Every Sunday: 11:00-14:00
Streamed Live on Zoom
Meeting ID: 874 6309 1650 Passcode: 658019
Online Bible Study
Every Wednesday: 19:00-20:00
Online Bible Study via ZoomMeeting ID: 821 8661 9958 Passcode: 088869